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Executive Education and Training Services

Founded in 1987, RAYMA is today Malaysia’s Number One Seminar Organizer and leading training provider. A firm believer in continuing education, RAYMA offers world class public and in-house leading edge training programs.

"To improve is to change", said Winston Churchill. More than three decades later, the observation has never seemed more relevant. The world itself is in a flux with new orders, new technologies and constantly shifting economic and political trends. This has almost completely altered the pace and complexity of modern day business.

How does the decision maker cope? How does he formulate suitable strategies to counter threats and opportunities behind daily events? Above all, how does he tap the ideas available in business? In a nutshell, through education. Not the broad-based, vague sort of catch-all type training, but specific, focused, topical management development programs that deliver value-added benefits to participants.

Our programs cover all functional disciplines, conceived to address the needs of individuals at all management levels. Accordingly, all our programs are intensive, focusing sharply on practical working realities rather than abstract or academic theory.

RAYMA through its regional and global networking regularly brings world class specialists to Malaysia and other ASEAN countries. They are specialists in their own fields associated to renowned institutions.

We only work with the very best, the world class specialists, in their respective fields to provide you with the latest thinking and cutting-edge information required to succeed in this killer competition world.

The RAYMA Guarantee
By the way, we have a money-back guarantee. Be it a public program or an in-house program, a full refund to you if we do not deliver what we promised. Just turn in your workbook to us at the end of the day!


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