survival kit : naming strategies & tactics A RAYMA OnLine Magazine for High Achievers Particulars Author The Power of a Simple Name Steve Rivkin Tactics for Creating Names: Go to the Reservoir Steve Rivkin More Tips & Tactics for Generating Names Steve Rivkin Alliteration: Always an Appropriate Approach Steve Rivkin Signs & Symbols: What do they Mean Steve Rivkin Painful Lessons from the "Oops" File Steve Rivkin It's the Corporate Naming Dust-Up of the Decade Steve Rivkin A Pharmaceutical Firm with a Sense of Humor Steve Rivkin Promoting the New Name: A Primer on PR Steve Rivkin How Do You Name A High-End Property? Steve Rivkin The Naming Newsletter A Quarterly Report on The Strategies & Tactics of Naming Get Your FREE Copy NOW! Email Participate & Win! battle ground investing in the stock market - leadership & management marketing & positioning - naming strategies & tactics
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